Hand Bell Choir

Parishioners are invited to join the tradition of adding bells to the Mass of the Lord’s Supper on Holy Thursday. Bell ringers need not be able to read musical notation. Rehearsals after the 9:30 Masses in March. To participate see Luci Majikas after any Mass.

Church Open for Prayer

St Bernard Church will be open for personal prayer and reflection during Lent from 2 PM until 4 PM Monday through Friday. This offers a quiet time for all to consider the intentions and benefits of the Lenten Season.


The Women’s Guild’s Basket Bonanza tickets will be available at all Sunday Masses until the 13 March drawing. The Ladies have worked hard to make this year’s baskets amazing and adapted to St Bernard’s limited space after the loss of the Hall. Don’t miss a chance to support their charities and claim one of the baskets.

St. Bernard Ministries

The Parish is grateful for the generosity of members past and present for their dedication of time, effort, talent and treasure to make this a vibrant parish. Please consider joining a ministry by contact the office at 941.778.4769 or Office@StBernardCC.org these include:

Respect Life, Hospitality (ushers), Lector, Holy Name Society (men), Women’s Guild, Eucharistic Ministry, Alter and Server Memorial Garden Care.


Engraved paving bricks to honor your loved ones at the Marian Grotto are available.  The cost of an engraved brick is $150.  Please see the details at the Women’s Guild Ministry link on the home page.  The announcement contains a down-loadable form for ordering bricks.

My Parish App

Want the latest news, daily Mass readings, calendar, news or bulletins about St Bernard or any parish you choose on your phone? Go to your favorite App Store and download My Parish App. Easy to use and loaded with essentials.



All parishioners will want to learn about “Walking with Moms in Need,” a new program which educates Parish staff and the faithful where to send a pregnant
woman in need (https://dioceseofvenice.org/ walking-with-moms-in-need)