Jubilee Holy Year Pilgrimage

Pope Francis declared 2025 a Jubilee Holy Year. A plenary indulgences is gained by passing through a designated Holy Door, completing the sacraments of Reconciliation and Holy Communion and praying for the intentions of the Pope. Fr. Bernie will lead such a pilgrimage to the Venice Retreat Center on Friday, April 11th. A bus will leave St. Bernard at 9:15 AM and return by about 3:00 PM. The cost is $40 including the bus and lunch. See the bulletin or the forms in the entrance to the Church for more detail. Questions? call Matt Nowicki at 941.778.4769

Author: Joseph Reuwer

Graduate of St Louis University and the Air Force Institute of Technology. Lived for over three years each in Japan, Spain and Saudi Arabia. Married for 50 years to Janet Reuwer nee Yaeger of St Louis with 2 children and four grandchildren. Attended St Bernard Elementary School in Springfield, Ohio.