SEP 25th – NOV 3rd St. Bernard’s Days to Walk and pray for the Unborn are Sep 27th & Oct 11th, 9:30 AM to 1PM. We will carpool from Church parking lot at 9:00 AM. A signup sheet will be in the Church entrance.

The Fall Kickoff featuring speakers and handout materials will be Sep 26th at 10:30am in the parking lot at the Community Pregnancy Clinic at 1419 7th St. Sarasota. Sign up if you are interested in attending. Barbara Murphy
Respect Life representative 941-228-2916

Author: Joseph Reuwer

Graduate of St Louis University and the Air Force Institute of Technology. Lived for over three years each in Japan, Spain and Saudi Arabia. Married for 50 years to Janet Reuwer nee Yaeger of St Louis with 2 children and four grandchildren. Attended St Bernard Elementary School in Springfield, Ohio.